Skagit County Industrial Land Study

A comprehensive understanding of industrial lands in Skagit County has been a topic of economic development strategies since the 1980s.  SCOG historically has been involved or lead the development of the inventories of industrial lands.  The 2003 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) recommended maintaining an inventory of ready-to-build sites and develop and maintain accurate inventories of suitable land available for residential, industrial, commercial, public facility and agricultural uses.


In 2013, the Port of Skagit County initiated a comprehensive inventory of industrial lands in Skagit County in cooperation with SCOG, Skagit County, the Economic Development Association of Skagit County and the Port of Anacortes.  The consulting firm of ECONorthwest was contracted to prepare the Industrial Land Study for Skagit County. A copy of ECONorthwest’s final report can be downloaded from the link included below. Please contact SCOG staff for more information.

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