Public Participation Plan

SCOG updated its Public Participation Plan in 2015 after a planning process that began in 2014.  An assessment of the prior plan found that it was ineffective in guiding public participation at SCOG and clearly communicating to the public how to get involved in a meaningful way.  The need for updating the plan was clear.  While the old plan met the letter of the law, it was not the useful, multifaceted document that it should be.


The new plan serves many functions: it explains SCOG’s approach to engaging the public; it acts as a staff manual for SCOG public participation; it explains to the public what SCOG is and how it functions; it provides a variety of tools SCOG may use to involve the public; and it highlights the importance of evaluating how SCOG engages the public to see what is working well and what is not.  A new section within the plan describes the procedures SCOG uses for all the major planning, programming and project selection processes that it regularly undertakes. Overall, the plan renews SCOG’s commitment to an open exchange or information and ideas through a constructive community dialogue.


A minor update to the Plan occurred in 2017 reflecting organizational changes at SCOG, modifications made to federal law since 2015, and to ensure continued consistency with SCOG’s Title VI Plan – which was updated earlier in 2017.

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