Regional Transportation Plan

The Skagit 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (Skagit 2045) is a multimodal long-range plan that establishes the strategic framework for meeting the Skagit region’s existing and future transportation needs. Developed through extensive coordination with affected jurisdictions and public input, Skagit 2045 provides a “tool box” to facilitate cooperation and maximize resources to jointly select transportation projects and programs for regional funding and implementation through 2045.


Skagit 2045 addresses state requirements for a regional transportation plan and federal requirements for a metropolitan transportation plan into one plan.  It provides a long-range look into the Skagit region’s transportation needs and includes transportation projects and strategies to meet those needs.  Included in Skagit 2045 is a financial assessment of transportation finance in the Skagit region, forecasting revenues and expenses over the planning period to assist in determining what the region can reasonably expect to fund to address regional needs. Financial strategies are identified in Skagit 2045 as tools that may be used to raise additional funds for existing and future transportation needs.

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