Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan



Developing a Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) has been required since the 2005 federal transportation act, SAFETEA-LU. The HSTP helps regions to identify transportation needs and develop solutions to improve access for seniors, youth, people with disabilities, people with lower incomes, limited English speakers, and those without access to a private vehicle. In 2014, SCOG staff led the update of a Skagit-Island County Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan (CPT-HSTP, Plan). Since that time, SCOG has restructured and now plans for transportation and growth in the Skagit region. The most current Plan, which identifies needs and solutions in the Skagit region, was adopted by the Transportation Policy Board on December 16, 2022.



Funding and Implementing HSTP Solutions


Development of an HSTP allows regional partners to become eligible for state and federal funding through the competitive WSDOT Consolidated Grant Program. Applicants for Consolidated Grant funding must participate in the regional HSTP planning process.


SCOG, as the state-designated Regional Transportation Planning Organization for the Skagit region, coordinates stakeholders and partners in identifying and prioritizing transportation improvement projects for funding consideration. In the 2022 CPT-HSTP update, an ad-hoc Special Needs Transportation Committee, made up of community stakeholders, developed the Plan and ranking criteria. Committee members included representatives from public transit agencies, social service providers, local tribes, non-profit organizations, and WSDOT. Public outreach efforts conducted for the Plan included an online open house, survey and interactive web map. Project rankings are being considered by the ad-hoc Special Needs Transportation Committee separately from the CPT-HSTP update, and will be approved by the TPB in January of 2023.

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