Regional Transportation Improvement Program

The Skagit Council of Governments has a responsibility, due to federal and state requirements, to develop a Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). The RTIP is a six-year, fiscally constrained listing of projects that identifies and prioritizes federally funded transportation projects, and regionally significant transportation projects, in the Skagit region. All RTIP projects must be consistent with the Skagit 2045 Regional Transportation Plan.




The 2024-2029 Regional Transportation Improvement Program was approved by the SCOG Transportation Policy Board on October 18, 2023. The RTIP, as part of the Washington Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, was approved by the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration on January 17, 2024, and went into effect on this date. The following list includes links to different sections of the 2024-2029 Regional Transportation Improvement Program.



Every year, SCOG prepares a listing of all Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration project obligations within the SCOG planning area from the previous calendar year. The annual report documenting these project obligations can be found below.

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