Both traditional maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide a unique visual platform to understand regional data and trends, analyze and identify patterns, and communicate results and concepts to the public.
Please visit SCOG’s Online GIS Portal to explore information regarding:
- Skagit County Regional Transportation Improvement Program projects
- Skagit 2040 Regional Transportation Plan projects
- Cities and Towns
- City Limits and Unincorporated Urban Growth Areas
- Regional Demographic Information
- Environmental Justice Populations
- Road and Highway Information
- Regionally Significant Transportation System
- Regionally Significant Nonmotorized System
- Federal Functional Classification
- Freight and Goods Transportation System
- Transit routes (Skagit Transit)
- Railroads
- Ferry Routes
- Airports
- Park and Ride Lots
View the Skagit Council of Governments Online GIS Portal