Performance Targets

Since 2018, SCOG has agreed to plan and program projects in the Skagit region so that they contribute toward the accomplishment of statewide Transportation Performance Management (TPM) targets for the National Highway System (NHS). WSDOT, in collaboration with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), finalized its four-year performance management targets for pavement and bridge condition (PM2), and highway system performance, freight reliability and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (PM3) on December 16, 2022. On May 17, 2023 the SCOG Transportation Policy Board adopted Resolution 2023-04 to set regional performance targets for pavement, bridges, travel time and freight reliability.


The National Highway System Pavement, Bridge and Tunnel Condition in Skagit County web mapping application shows the most recent performance information available for the National Highway System in Skagit County.


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