
Understanding our Skagit Region


Demographic trends and analyses help SCOG to understand the underlying population of Skagit residents in a multifaceted way. By better understanding the diverse identities and backgrounds of residents, decision makers and staff can better plan for current and future growth in Skagit County.


Below are a few of the studies and analyses that SCOG has conducted in order to better understand who calls the Skagit region home.

Skagitonians on the Move

The Skagitonians on the Move infographic analyzes trends in population migrations from the 2016-2020 American Community Survey. This analysis attempts to answer the questions, Who is moving to Skagit County? and Who is moving away from Skagit County? Click the infographic to view the full version and learn more.

Demographic Profile

Skagit Council of Governments regularly develops a demographic profile for Skagit County that meets the requirements of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for Environmental Justice analyses.

By accepting federal funds through the FTA and FHWA, the Skagit Council of Governments and any other local recipients of federal funds must incorporate Environmental Justice into their programs, policies and activities.


Inclusion of these principles works to prevent disproportionately high and adverse impacts from being borne by minority and low-income populations within Skagit County. The Demographic Profile can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice (EJ) principles protect minority populations and low-income populations from
disproportionate adverse effects of programs, policies, and activities. Because the Skagit Council of Governments receives federal funds to conduct the transportation program in Skagit County, EJ protections apply. A component of EJ is assessment of funding decisions made on local projects to determine if funds are being awarded and distributed in a manner that does not have a disproportionate adverse effect on EJ protected populations. This EJ assessment is for transportation projects in Skagit County that have been awarded funds over the past three years, from April 2020-April 2023.

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