17 Sep Notice of Public Comment Period for 2021-2026 Regional Transportation Improvement Program
Notice is hereby given that the Skagit Council of Governments (SCOG) has made the Draft 2021-2026 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) available for public comment.
The public comment period closes on October 8, 2020. Action on approval of the RTIP is anticipated at the October 21, 2020 SCOG Transportation Policy Board meeting. All written comments received on or before October 8 will be distributed to the Transportation Policy Board one week before the meeting.
An electronic copy of the RTIP can be downloaded from SCOG’s website at www.scog.net. Paper copies are available upon request. Please contact Mark Hamilton at (360) 416-7876 or markh@scog.net with any questions about the RTIP. Written comments must be either emailed to markh@scog.net or mailed to 315 South Third Street, Suite #100, Mount Vernon, WA 98273.
This public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the RTIP development process will satisfy the FTA’s Program of Projects requirements.
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