21 Jan Notice of Public Comment Period for Draft Title VI Plan
Notice is hereby given that the Skagit Council of Governments (SCOG) has made the draft Title VI Plan available for public comment. Through the Title VI Plan, SCOG ensures its commitment to not exclude anyone from participation in its Transportation Program, or deny the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color or national origin.
Comments on the draft Title VI Plan may be mailed to: Skagit Council of Governments, c/o Mark Hamilton, 315 South Third Street, Suite #100, Mount Vernon, WA 98273; or emailed to markh@scog.net. All comments must be in writing and received by SCOG no later than February 7, 2022. All timely comments on the draft Title VI Plan will be distributed to SCOG’s Transportation Policy Board for consideration prior to action on the draft Title VI Plan, which is anticipated at their meeting on February 16, 2022.
An electronic copy of the draft Title VI Plan can be downloaded below. Paper copies are available at no charge from the address above, upon request. To request a paper copy, contact Mark Hamilton at (360) 416-7876 or markh@scog.net.
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